Weather in Madeira Islands

Weather Porto Moniz
Weather São Vicente
Weather Santana
Weather Calheta
Weather Ponta do Sol
Weather Ribeira Brava
Camara de Lobos
Weather Funchal
Weather Santa Cruz
Weather Machico

Weather in Madeira Islands can be very variable. Locals say that sometimes “you can get the four seasons in the same day”.

Due to its orography weather in Madeira Island is also characterized by different micro-climes. It means that even in winter usually there is always a warmer and sunny place to go. It can be raining in the north and sun in the south… You can get rain in Calheta and sun in Machico…

This page shows the current weather and forecast for every town in Madeira (Porto Moniz, São Vicente, Santana, Calheta, Ponta do Sol, Ribeira Brava, Câmara de Lobos, Funchal, Santa Cruz and Machico) and for Porto Santo too.

I hope it can give you a good picture of the weather in Madeira which I hope can help you to plan your holidays, outdoor activities, walks, etc.

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